US copyright law expires after 95 years for books, films and other works of art, while sound recordings from 1924 will also be copyright-free.
Music played a pivotal role in inspiring the nation to rise against the fascist and autocratic regime of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina. From Shezan’s stirring “Kotha Ko” to Hannan’s powerful “Awaaz Utha Bangladesh”, the youth united in a quest for democracy against a corrupt government.
Renowned for his contributions to the music industry, Raffan Imam, affectionately known as 'Popeye,' has been sweeping audiences off their feet with his voice for more than a decade. Throughout his extensive career, Popeye has produced numerous popular tracks, including hits like “Neshar Bojha,” “Tikto Shotto,” “Bishanna Shundor,” “Moron Iccha,” and “Raat Kotha.” Despite his permanent residence in the United States, Popeye has been a rare presence in concerts in his home country.
Navigating beyond the waves of iconic nostalgia, “Popeye” is setting sail for another adventure. The muscular spinach enthusiast, who captivated multiple generations of children, stands as one of the few cartoon characters to inspire them to embrace green food despite parental persuasion. Now, Popeye is poised to embark on a larger-than-cartoon-life journey once again.
Taking fans by surprise, Popeye released a new song titled, “Bhul” today. The melodious yet melancholic number was uploaded to YouTube.
US copyright law expires after 95 years for books, films and other works of art, while sound recordings from 1924 will also be copyright-free.
Music played a pivotal role in inspiring the nation to rise against the fascist and autocratic regime of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina. From Shezan’s stirring “Kotha Ko” to Hannan’s powerful “Awaaz Utha Bangladesh”, the youth united in a quest for democracy against a corrupt government.
Renowned for his contributions to the music industry, Raffan Imam, affectionately known as 'Popeye,' has been sweeping audiences off their feet with his voice for more than a decade. Throughout his extensive career, Popeye has produced numerous popular tracks, including hits like “Neshar Bojha,” “Tikto Shotto,” “Bishanna Shundor,” “Moron Iccha,” and “Raat Kotha.” Despite his permanent residence in the United States, Popeye has been a rare presence in concerts in his home country.
Navigating beyond the waves of iconic nostalgia, “Popeye” is setting sail for another adventure. The muscular spinach enthusiast, who captivated multiple generations of children, stands as one of the few cartoon characters to inspire them to embrace green food despite parental persuasion. Now, Popeye is poised to embark on a larger-than-cartoon-life journey once again.
Taking fans by surprise, Popeye released a new song titled, “Bhul” today. The melodious yet melancholic number was uploaded to YouTube.