power crisis

Is AI causing a worldwide power crisis?

The spotlight now falls on AI's environmental impact, with concerns rising about its energy consumption. So, could AI be the culprit behind a looming global power crisis? Let's take a look.

Power Supply During Summer: At least $4.45b needed to cover fuel costs

At least $4.45 billion is needed in fuel costs to ensure adequate power supply from February to June, when demand is set to increase by more than 50 percent, the Bangladesh Power Development Board (PDB) estimates.

Steel, cement output falls by a third for multiple challenges

The output at the country’s steel and cement factories has fallen almost by a third due to the power and gas crisis, a hike in raw material prices in the global market, and the US dollar shortage, manufacturers said yesterday. 

Bulk electricity price goes up by 19.92%

The price of electricity at the wholesale level has been increased by 19.92 percent.

Economic and political reforms must go hand in hand

All our institutions are crumbling because of politicisation, inefficiencies, and corruption.

21 Dhaka neighbourhoods: Power outages every other hour

People living in the capital’s Shyampur, Nandalalpur, Kajla or Matuail experienced load-shedding every alternate hour yesterday. 

BERC may hike bulk electricity price tomorrow

Amid a deepening power crisis in the country, Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission may hike the bulk electricity price tomorrow.

“20-25% electricity restored after 4hrs of outage”

About 20-25 percent electricity was restored after four hours of power outage, said a spokesperson of Power Grid Company of Bangladesh.

#Guides / Save electricity to keep the lights on

Saving electricity at home helps reduce your household's need for energy, and in turn, helps reduce the demand for fossil fuels. Whether you are a homeowner, a private or social renter, a student, or you live with your parents, there are many things you can do. The best way to start saving on your electricity costs is to get smart with how you use electricity.

August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022

“Want to ensure uninterrupted power for irrigation for 15 days from today”

The power load has moved one hour earlier following the rescheduling of office hours, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid said today.

August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022

Work hours: Govt offices 8am-3pm, banks 9am-4pm from Aug 24

The cabinet has rescheduled the office hour of government and autonomous institutions from 8am to 3pm to save electricity and reduce traffic jam.

July 19, 2022
July 19, 2022

Perfect efficiency key to tackling energy crisis

We cannot afford to have the government repeat its past mistakes

April 29, 2016
April 29, 2016

Power situation in Bangladesh to improve by today

In a rare move, State Minister for Power and Energy Nasrul Hamid has apologised to the nation for the disruption in power
