"Prabir Mitra was an extraordinary artiste," Tariq Anam Khan shared in a heartfelt conversation with The Daily Star, recalling his early admiration for the veteran actor. "As a young man, I was deeply inspired by his performances. I still remember going to the theatre to watch his films. His work had a certain magic to it—his presence on screen was unforgettable, and even now, his acting resonates with me."
Ashraf Uddin Ahmed Uzzal, a longtime friend and colleague, reminisced about their early days in the industry. “Prabir and I started around the same time, both coming from the stage before we entered the film industry. He began with theatre and transitioned to the silver screen, much like I did,” Uzzal told The Daily Star. “We were both young, full of energy, and passionate about acting. What set Prabir apart, though, was his unwavering authenticity. You could always trust him to deliver a performance that felt real, regardless of the character.”
"Prabir Mitra was an extraordinary artiste," Tariq Anam Khan shared in a heartfelt conversation with The Daily Star, recalling his early admiration for the veteran actor. "As a young man, I was deeply inspired by his performances. I still remember going to the theatre to watch his films. His work had a certain magic to it—his presence on screen was unforgettable, and even now, his acting resonates with me."
Ashraf Uddin Ahmed Uzzal, a longtime friend and colleague, reminisced about their early days in the industry. “Prabir and I started around the same time, both coming from the stage before we entered the film industry. He began with theatre and transitioned to the silver screen, much like I did,” Uzzal told The Daily Star. “We were both young, full of energy, and passionate about acting. What set Prabir apart, though, was his unwavering authenticity. You could always trust him to deliver a performance that felt real, regardless of the character.”