Republican presidential candidates

Politics as a reality show - The rise of Trump

Donald Trump, the US real estate tycoon-turned-presidential candidate, topped himself not so long ago - no mean achievement - by outraging the entire world with his demand to ban the entry of Muslims into the US.

LETTER FROM AMERICA / Grading the Republican presidential candidates

Fox Business Channel hosted the fourth Republican Presidential candidates' debate on November 10. Here is an assessment of the top five candidates...

January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016

Politics as a reality show - The rise of Trump

Donald Trump, the US real estate tycoon-turned-presidential candidate, topped himself not so long ago - no mean achievement - by outraging the entire world with his demand to ban the entry of Muslims into the US.

November 21, 2015
November 21, 2015

Grading the Republican presidential candidates

Fox Business Channel hosted the fourth Republican Presidential candidates' debate on November 10. Here is an assessment of the top five candidates...