Young Bangladeshi filmmaker Maksud Hossain has been selected for Berlinale Talents, a prestigious platform under the Berlin International Film Festival that recognises emerging filmmakers, producers, actors, cinematographers, and industry professionals making strides in their respective fields.
He added that ever since the National Film Awardee’s list was announced, he has been eager to bring the fishermen with him to the ceremony.
Rezwan Shahriar Sumit marked his directorial debut with the much-acclaimed film “Nonajoler Kabbo”. The film recently bagged the National Film Award in seven categories.
Young Bangladeshi filmmaker Maksud Hossain has been selected for Berlinale Talents, a prestigious platform under the Berlin International Film Festival that recognises emerging filmmakers, producers, actors, cinematographers, and industry professionals making strides in their respective fields.
He added that ever since the National Film Awardee’s list was announced, he has been eager to bring the fishermen with him to the ceremony.
Rezwan Shahriar Sumit marked his directorial debut with the much-acclaimed film “Nonajoler Kabbo”. The film recently bagged the National Film Award in seven categories.