Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil is set to make his Bollywood debut. Having gained worldwide recognition for his performances in “Pushpa: The Rise” and “Pushpa 2: The Rule,” this Southern star is now ready to showcase his acting prowess in India’s biggest film industry.
Lisa has returned with a new single titled “Rockstar”, accompanied by a music video that perfectly captures the song's explosive energy.
Near the end of 2011, “Rockstar” would be released, fundamentally changing how fans perceived Ranbir Kapoor and Imtiaz Ali’s capabilities as actor and director.
So how do you rock YouTube? These are some tips for making the most of YouTube come from Gideon Mountford, Head of Video for Believe Digital, speaking at music industry conference Sound City in Liverpool, UK.
Malayalam actor Fahadh Faasil is set to make his Bollywood debut. Having gained worldwide recognition for his performances in “Pushpa: The Rise” and “Pushpa 2: The Rule,” this Southern star is now ready to showcase his acting prowess in India’s biggest film industry.
Lisa has returned with a new single titled “Rockstar”, accompanied by a music video that perfectly captures the song's explosive energy.
Near the end of 2011, “Rockstar” would be released, fundamentally changing how fans perceived Ranbir Kapoor and Imtiaz Ali’s capabilities as actor and director.
So how do you rock YouTube? These are some tips for making the most of YouTube come from Gideon Mountford, Head of Video for Believe Digital, speaking at music industry conference Sound City in Liverpool, UK.