The first look of the series, released earlier this week, introduces lead actors Rubel and Puja Chery in gripping roles, offering a glimpse into the dark world of high-stakes crime. The production house, Bongo, further fueled excitement with a cryptic message, while Raihan Rafi hinted at a major revelation to come.
Ananta Jalil is a huge fan of actor Rubel and has even taken special martial arts training to get in shape to perform with the Dhallywood action star. Recently, the actor posted pictures from the sets of “Kill Him” alongside Rubel on his social media account.
Bangladesh pacer Rubel Hossain has returned to the Test squad after missing out on the Hyderabad Test against India.
The first look of the series, released earlier this week, introduces lead actors Rubel and Puja Chery in gripping roles, offering a glimpse into the dark world of high-stakes crime. The production house, Bongo, further fueled excitement with a cryptic message, while Raihan Rafi hinted at a major revelation to come.
Ananta Jalil is a huge fan of actor Rubel and has even taken special martial arts training to get in shape to perform with the Dhallywood action star. Recently, the actor posted pictures from the sets of “Kill Him” alongside Rubel on his social media account.
Bangladesh pacer Rubel Hossain has returned to the Test squad after missing out on the Hyderabad Test against India.