In this latest project, Apurba brings to life an absent-minded protagonist—an individual who forgets almost everything, from critical tasks to mundane chores. The resulting mix of frustrating and humorous situations forms the crux of the story.
On August 5, after nearly a month-long uprising driven by students and the masses, Bangladesh entered a new era. During this historic struggle, the nation’s cultural activities came to a halt, with new drama releases on YouTube suspended due to the internet blackout.
In this latest project, Apurba brings to life an absent-minded protagonist—an individual who forgets almost everything, from critical tasks to mundane chores. The resulting mix of frustrating and humorous situations forms the crux of the story.
On August 5, after nearly a month-long uprising driven by students and the masses, Bangladesh entered a new era. During this historic struggle, the nation’s cultural activities came to a halt, with new drama releases on YouTube suspended due to the internet blackout.