Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016

RUPCHANDA-THE DAILY STAR SUPER CHEF / Welcome to the Super Chef kitchen

It was with baited breaths that the participants took their first timid steps into the grand Super Chef kitchen. As if in a trance, they looked around, taking it all in; it wasn't just the sight of the grandest arena they had ever seen but also the fact they had finally made it till here. Of the thousands who undertook the trail, only the 18 now remained. Glory was no longer a faint whisper of a promise. It was a reverberating cry for war. The games had begun.

event / Super Chef '16: Dhaka Memoirs

The Dhaka audition round of Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016 was different from the regional rounds on other parts of the country. Dhaka is, after all, choking with a mammoth population of over 1 crore.

The Super Chef

Although 23 November was a hartal, it did not deter the culinary enthusiasts of Sylhet to come to Pallabi Community Center and attend the regional round of Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016.

event / The Super Chef kitchen stories: Khulna Chapter

Even though it was a Friday, 6 November was not an idle, lazy time for Khulna. The city woke up as the host of two important events.

Event / Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016 takes over Barisal

Excited faces congregated from different parts of the Barisal region. They all gathered on the morning of 4th November at Barisal Club compound to join Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016.

Event / Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016 kicks off in Faridpur

Unlike other days, even at eight on a cloudy winter morning on 3 November, 2015, Ambika Memorial Hall premise at Jhillatuli

March 26, 2016
March 26, 2016

Welcome to the Super Chef kitchen

It was with baited breaths that the participants took their first timid steps into the grand Super Chef kitchen. As if in a trance, they looked around, taking it all in; it wasn't just the sight of the grandest arena they had ever seen but also the fact they had finally made it till here. Of the thousands who undertook the trail, only the 18 now remained. Glory was no longer a faint whisper of a promise. It was a reverberating cry for war. The games had begun.

December 29, 2015
December 29, 2015

Super Chef '16: Dhaka Memoirs

The Dhaka audition round of Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016 was different from the regional rounds on other parts of the country. Dhaka is, after all, choking with a mammoth population of over 1 crore.

December 8, 2015
December 8, 2015

The Super Chef

Although 23 November was a hartal, it did not deter the culinary enthusiasts of Sylhet to come to Pallabi Community Center and attend the regional round of Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016.

November 24, 2015
November 24, 2015

The Super Chef kitchen stories: Khulna Chapter

Even though it was a Friday, 6 November was not an idle, lazy time for Khulna. The city woke up as the host of two important events.

November 17, 2015
November 17, 2015

Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016 takes over Barisal

Excited faces congregated from different parts of the Barisal region. They all gathered on the morning of 4th November at Barisal Club compound to join Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016.

November 10, 2015
November 10, 2015

Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef 2016 kicks off in Faridpur

Unlike other days, even at eight on a cloudy winter morning on 3 November, 2015, Ambika Memorial Hall premise at Jhillatuli