Rupchanda-The Daily Star Super Chef Episode 7

RUPCHANDA-THE DAILY STAR SUPER CHEF / Welcome to the Super Chef kitchen

It was with baited breaths that the participants took their first timid steps into the grand Super Chef kitchen. As if in a trance, they looked around, taking it all in; it wasn't just the sight of the grandest arena they had ever seen but also the fact they had finally made it till here. Of the thousands who undertook the trail, only the 18 now remained. Glory was no longer a faint whisper of a promise. It was a reverberating cry for war. The games had begun.

March 26, 2016
March 26, 2016

Welcome to the Super Chef kitchen

It was with baited breaths that the participants took their first timid steps into the grand Super Chef kitchen. As if in a trance, they looked around, taking it all in; it wasn't just the sight of the grandest arena they had ever seen but also the fact they had finally made it till here. Of the thousands who undertook the trail, only the 18 now remained. Glory was no longer a faint whisper of a promise. It was a reverberating cry for war. The games had begun.