Russell’s Viper

Antivenoms of Russell’s viper available at hospitals: Samanta

Russell's viper bite is treatable and most patients can recover using existing antivenom available at every upazila-level hospitals, say physicians

The Russell’s viper conundrum

Russell’s viper is not a snake species of a foreign land, rather they have coexisted in the natural ecosystem of the Indian sub-continent for centuries.

Don’t panic: refrain from killing Russell’s Viper

Amid growing concerns over the recent sightings of Russell’s Viper (Chandrabora) in various parts of the country, the environment and health ministries have urged people to remain calm and refrain from killing snakes.

June 27, 2024
June 27, 2024

Antivenoms of Russell’s viper available at hospitals: Samanta

Russell's viper bite is treatable and most patients can recover using existing antivenom available at every upazila-level hospitals, say physicians

June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

The Russell’s viper conundrum

Russell’s viper is not a snake species of a foreign land, rather they have coexisted in the natural ecosystem of the Indian sub-continent for centuries.

June 23, 2024
June 23, 2024

Don’t panic: refrain from killing Russell’s Viper

Amid growing concerns over the recent sightings of Russell’s Viper (Chandrabora) in various parts of the country, the environment and health ministries have urged people to remain calm and refrain from killing snakes.

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