The film “Pinik”, directed by Zahid Jewel, is among the highly anticipated releases this Eid, starring Ador Azad and Bubly. Joining the festive lineup, Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed and Afran Nisho will also bring their latest project to the audience.
Industry insiders point to one major cause: The reluctance of production companies. In the current political climate, investors are hesitant to back new films. Producers prefer to wait until the situation in the country stabilises before committing to any major projects.
The film “Pinik”, directed by Zahid Jewel, is among the highly anticipated releases this Eid, starring Ador Azad and Bubly. Joining the festive lineup, Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed and Afran Nisho will also bring their latest project to the audience.
Industry insiders point to one major cause: The reluctance of production companies. In the current political climate, investors are hesitant to back new films. Producers prefer to wait until the situation in the country stabilises before committing to any major projects.