School girl rape

Man accused of raping 6 schoolgirls

A man in Jashore’s Sadar upazila has been accused of raping six students of a government primary school in the last two months, luring them with snacks.

8th grader 'raped' in reserve forest

An 8th grader was allegedly raped by two villagers at Haringhata Reserve Forest in Barguna on Thursday.

Khagrachhari: Schoolgirl murdered after 'rape'

A schoolgirl was murdered allegedly after rape in Dighinala upazila of Khagrachhari on Saturday.

2 to die for killing girl after rape in Natore

A Natore court sentences two people to death for killing an eleven-year-old schoolgirl after rape in Naldanga upazila in the district in 2015.

May 3, 2019
May 3, 2019

Man accused of raping 6 schoolgirls

A man in Jashore’s Sadar upazila has been accused of raping six students of a government primary school in the last two months, luring them with snacks.

April 13, 2019
April 13, 2019

8th grader 'raped' in reserve forest

An 8th grader was allegedly raped by two villagers at Haringhata Reserve Forest in Barguna on Thursday.

July 30, 2018
July 30, 2018

Khagrachhari: Schoolgirl murdered after 'rape'

A schoolgirl was murdered allegedly after rape in Dighinala upazila of Khagrachhari on Saturday.

April 18, 2018
April 18, 2018

2 to die for killing girl after rape in Natore

A Natore court sentences two people to death for killing an eleven-year-old schoolgirl after rape in Naldanga upazila in the district in 2015.