screenshot of fake front page image goes viral

It's fake

A screenshot of a fake front page of The Daily Star's yesterday's issue went viral on social media.

It's fake

A screenshot of a fake front page of The Daily Star's October 14 issue is going viral in the social media. In the image of the page, it is seen that Editor Mahfuz Anam wrote a commentary (with the headline “A disgrace to Bangladesh” and second headline “As if we are heading to jungle law”). In reality, Mahfuz Anam has not written any commentary recently. The lead story headline “CJ exposes the Govt” and the subsequent second headline are also fake and motivated.

October 15, 2017
October 15, 2017

It's fake

A screenshot of a fake front page of The Daily Star's yesterday's issue went viral on social media.

October 14, 2017
October 14, 2017

It's fake

A screenshot of a fake front page of The Daily Star's October 14 issue is going viral in the social media. In the image of the page, it is seen that Editor Mahfuz Anam wrote a commentary (with the headline “A disgrace to Bangladesh” and second headline “As if we are heading to jungle law”). In reality, Mahfuz Anam has not written any commentary recently. The lead story headline “CJ exposes the Govt” and the subsequent second headline are also fake and motivated.