The large carcass of a mysterious sea creature that washes up on a tourist beach perplex local officials and residents in Mexico. The monstrous 13-foot-long beast is discovered on Bonfil Beach, in the city of Acapulco, in the south-west Mexican state of Guerrero,
Researchers have spotted an elusive sea creature that boasts a vibrant golden shell covered in thick and slimy hair for the first time in 31 years.
The large carcass of a mysterious sea creature that washes up on a tourist beach perplex local officials and residents in Mexico. The monstrous 13-foot-long beast is discovered on Bonfil Beach, in the city of Acapulco, in the south-west Mexican state of Guerrero,
Researchers have spotted an elusive sea creature that boasts a vibrant golden shell covered in thick and slimy hair for the first time in 31 years.