Tanvir Hasan’s much-anticipated film “Moddhobitto” debuts in theatres today, marking the first movie release of the year. The director had earlier revealed to Prothom Alo that the film would see its premiere this month. On Wednesday, he reiterated the announcement via a Facebook post, confirming that the movie would indeed hit the big screens on Friday (January 3).
Today, four movies, both local and international, are hitting theatres nationwide. Among the Bangladeshi releases are “Priyo Maloti” and “Makorshar Jall”, while Cineplex audiences can also enjoy the Hollywood titles “Kraven the Hunter” and “Mufasa: The Lion King.”
Tanvir Hasan’s much-anticipated film “Moddhobitto” debuts in theatres today, marking the first movie release of the year. The director had earlier revealed to Prothom Alo that the film would see its premiere this month. On Wednesday, he reiterated the announcement via a Facebook post, confirming that the movie would indeed hit the big screens on Friday (January 3).
Today, four movies, both local and international, are hitting theatres nationwide. Among the Bangladeshi releases are “Priyo Maloti” and “Makorshar Jall”, while Cineplex audiences can also enjoy the Hollywood titles “Kraven the Hunter” and “Mufasa: The Lion King.”