Shunno canada tour

‘Shono Mohajon’: The unlikely anthem that became the voice of a generation

The story of "Shono Mohajon" and its role in the July Revolution is more than just a tale of musical success; it's a stark reminder of the complex relationship between art and society. While the song's resurgence demonstrates the power of music to inspire and unify, it also raises critical questions about the nature of protest anthems and the responsibilities of artistes in times of social upheaval.

September 10, 2024
September 10, 2024

‘Shono Mohajon’: The unlikely anthem that became the voice of a generation

The story of "Shono Mohajon" and its role in the July Revolution is more than just a tale of musical success; it's a stark reminder of the complex relationship between art and society. While the song's resurgence demonstrates the power of music to inspire and unify, it also raises critical questions about the nature of protest anthems and the responsibilities of artistes in times of social upheaval.

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