Prominent actor Siam Ahmed, who first captured hearts with crowd-favorite television series like “Bhalobasha 101”, “Tomar Amar Prem”, and “X Factor Reload”, has since made a seamless transition to the silver screen, cementing his place in the film industry. His highly anticipated film “Jongli” is now on the horizon, promising to showcase a deeply immersive and reinvented Siam in the lead role.
Prominent actor Siam Ahmed, who first captured hearts with crowd-favorite television series like “Bhalobasha 101”, “Tomar Amar Prem”, and “X Factor Reload”, has since made a seamless transition to the silver screen, cementing his place in the film industry. His highly anticipated film “Jongli” is now on the horizon, promising to showcase a deeply immersive and reinvented Siam in the lead role.