soft skills

Next Step / AI is making way for a new era of soft skills. Here's how

With AI gaining popularity across various workplaces, there arises a demand for skilled professionals capable of effectively operating AI models to yield the most desirable outcomes. Moreover, beyond these roles, there is a growing need for positions that AI simply cannot replicate, owing to its inherently non-human nature.

Next Step / 5 most in-demand soft skills for today's job market

As workplaces constantly transform in the ever-evolving job market, including the recent rise of remote and hybrid work environments, the demand for certain soft skills has surged. Here are five most in-demand soft skills you should focus on developing to thrive in the workplace of today.

June 25, 2024
June 25, 2024

AI is making way for a new era of soft skills. Here's how

With AI gaining popularity across various workplaces, there arises a demand for skilled professionals capable of effectively operating AI models to yield the most desirable outcomes. Moreover, beyond these roles, there is a growing need for positions that AI simply cannot replicate, owing to its inherently non-human nature.

May 14, 2024
May 14, 2024

5 most in-demand soft skills for today's job market

As workplaces constantly transform in the ever-evolving job market, including the recent rise of remote and hybrid work environments, the demand for certain soft skills has surged. Here are five most in-demand soft skills you should focus on developing to thrive in the workplace of today.

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