The film “Sonic the Hedgehog 3” inspired by Sega's iconic video game serves as the third instalment in the “Sonic” movie franchise. It is finally on its way to Star Cineplex starting tomorrow (December 27).
In addition to the potential “John Wick” sequel, a spinoff titled “Ballerina” is in the works. This film, set in the same universe, will feature Ana de Armas in the lead role, further expanding the “John Wick” cinematic world.
Keanu Reeves, renowned for his roles in franchises like "John Wick," is set to lend his voice to the character Shadow in the latest installment of the Sonic movie series.
It has been confirmed that Jim Carrey will return to the big screen as the infamous mad scientist, Dr Robotnik, in the upcoming film "Sonic the Hedgehog 3". Despite the apparent demise of the character in the climax of the second instalment, the post-credits scene hinted at his dramatic comeback.
The film “Sonic the Hedgehog 3” inspired by Sega's iconic video game serves as the third instalment in the “Sonic” movie franchise. It is finally on its way to Star Cineplex starting tomorrow (December 27).
In addition to the potential “John Wick” sequel, a spinoff titled “Ballerina” is in the works. This film, set in the same universe, will feature Ana de Armas in the lead role, further expanding the “John Wick” cinematic world.
Keanu Reeves, renowned for his roles in franchises like "John Wick," is set to lend his voice to the character Shadow in the latest installment of the Sonic movie series.
It has been confirmed that Jim Carrey will return to the big screen as the infamous mad scientist, Dr Robotnik, in the upcoming film "Sonic the Hedgehog 3". Despite the apparent demise of the character in the climax of the second instalment, the post-credits scene hinted at his dramatic comeback.