
Jatiya Party 'splits', Raushan to lead new faction

Jatiya Party splits into two a day after its Chairman HM Ershad made his younger brother GM Quader co-chairman of the party

Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood breakup

Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood has formally split after 70 years — a breakup blamed on long-running ideological disputes, but also on a government attempt to further weaken what was once the country's main opposition group

January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016

Jatiya Party 'splits', Raushan to lead new faction

Jatiya Party splits into two a day after its Chairman HM Ershad made his younger brother GM Quader co-chairman of the party

March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015

Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood breakup

Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood has formally split after 70 years — a breakup blamed on long-running ideological disputes, but also on a government attempt to further weaken what was once the country's main opposition group