
Surcharge likely on second car

Owners of more than one car are likely to face an environmental protection surcharge from the upcoming fiscal year as the government plans to discourage the use of vehicles in a bid to contain carbon emissions and air pollution.

SC rules in favour of surcharge on wealthy

The Supreme Court has ruled that collection of surcharge from the rich will not be stopped.

Cabinet okays 1pc surcharge on mobile phone use

The cabinet approves a new law to introduce 1 percent surcharge on mobile phone use, cabinet secretary says. The government will earn Tk 140cr each year when the law will become effective.

May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023

Surcharge likely on second car

Owners of more than one car are likely to face an environmental protection surcharge from the upcoming fiscal year as the government plans to discourage the use of vehicles in a bid to contain carbon emissions and air pollution.

November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017

SC rules in favour of surcharge on wealthy

The Supreme Court has ruled that collection of surcharge from the rich will not be stopped.

March 30, 2015
March 30, 2015

Cabinet okays 1pc surcharge on mobile phone use

The cabinet approves a new law to introduce 1 percent surcharge on mobile phone use, cabinet secretary says. The government will earn Tk 140cr each year when the law will become effective.

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