Tabligh Jamaat’s factional clash

Case filed over Tabligh Jamaat’s factional clashes

A case has been filed for obstructing police from performing their duties and attacking them during clashes between two factions of Tabligh Jamaat on the bank of the Turag river in Gazipur's Tongi on Saturday.

No gathering at Ijtema venue until election: Home minister

Mentioning that the date of Biswa Ijtema, the second largest congregation of Muslims after the Hajj, will be fixed after the national election, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan says no gathering will be allowed at the venue until then.

December 3, 2018
December 3, 2018

Case filed over Tabligh Jamaat’s factional clashes

A case has been filed for obstructing police from performing their duties and attacking them during clashes between two factions of Tabligh Jamaat on the bank of the Turag river in Gazipur's Tongi on Saturday.

December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018

No gathering at Ijtema venue until election: Home minister

Mentioning that the date of Biswa Ijtema, the second largest congregation of Muslims after the Hajj, will be fixed after the national election, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan says no gathering will be allowed at the venue until then.