The image, showing Tahsan and Roza at what appeared to be a traditional ‘gaye holud’ ceremony, quickly went viral, sending fans into a tailspin of speculation and felicitations. Yet, when a journalist from Prothom Alo contacted Tahsan on Friday night for confirmation, his reply was cryptic, "I will let you know tomorrow." Even as the internet buzzed with rumours, the singer remained silent, leaving everyone guessing.
Tahsan's wedding news was the talk of social media all Saturday. Although the news of his marriage spread like wildfire, the singer told the media that he is yet to be married to Roza Ahmed, a renowned makeup artist living in the US. “This was just a small family function”, said Tahsan, about his fiancé.
The image, showing Tahsan and Roza at what appeared to be a traditional ‘gaye holud’ ceremony, quickly went viral, sending fans into a tailspin of speculation and felicitations. Yet, when a journalist from Prothom Alo contacted Tahsan on Friday night for confirmation, his reply was cryptic, "I will let you know tomorrow." Even as the internet buzzed with rumours, the singer remained silent, leaving everyone guessing.
Tahsan's wedding news was the talk of social media all Saturday. Although the news of his marriage spread like wildfire, the singer told the media that he is yet to be married to Roza Ahmed, a renowned makeup artist living in the US. “This was just a small family function”, said Tahsan, about his fiancé.