a tale of horror

Highway to home: A tale of horror (video)

Eid-ul-Azha is on us and people are leaving Dhaka to spend the holiday with friends and families.The journey home is a joyous occasion where everyone hopes to reach their destination without any glitches, however owing to the road condition a journey becomes a roller coaster ride-not of the pleasant kind but the one that churns your insides and makes you sick.

September 24, 2015
September 24, 2015

Highway to home: A tale of horror (video)

Eid-ul-Azha is on us and people are leaving Dhaka to spend the holiday with friends and families.The journey home is a joyous occasion where everyone hopes to reach their destination without any glitches, however owing to the road condition a journey becomes a roller coaster ride-not of the pleasant kind but the one that churns your insides and makes you sick.

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