Tasnia Farin, who was set to star opposite Dev in the Kolkata film "Pratiksha" directed by Abhijit Sen, has withdrawn from the project. Initially scheduled to begin filming in Kolkata and the UK in early November, the film now facing delays led Farin to step back.
As Bangladesh grapples with severe flooding, celebrities have united to support those affected by this disaster. Regions such as Feni, Noakhali, Lakshmipur, Cumilla, Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Rangamati, and Khagrachari are experiencing one of the worst floods in recent history. In response, many in the entertainment industry have taken action.
In early August, it was revealed that Bangladeshi actress Tasnia Farin is set to co-star with Kolkata's megastar Dev. The actress, known for her role in "Ladies and Gentlemen", shared her excitement about this new film project.
As artistes across the nation speak out against ongoing violence and aggression towards the quota reform protesters, actress Tasnia Farin has taken to social media to express regret for her silence. Yesterday, in a heartfelt Facebook post, Farin apologised to protesters for not raising her voice earlier, admitting that fear had kept her quiet.
Vicky Zahed is renowned for creating narratives that explore the complex psychology and darker tendencies of human beings.
The recently released teaser and posters hint at a chilling narrative. One poster features Farin in a nurse's outfit, staring intensely with a stethoscope in hand. Another shows Nadia holding a syringe, her eyes glistening with tears and a smile on her face.
Dhaka's celebrated actress, Tasnia Farin, experienced the thrill of watching a football match from the gallery for the very first time. She attended Copa America 2024 held at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, USA, on Wednesday morning, as per Bangladesh time.
Prominent Bangladeshi actresses Tasnia Farin and Mehazabien Chowdhury posted pictures of themselves attending the Chile vs Argentina match at Copa America 2024.
Yesterday, the OTT platform released the official first look of the Binge original short film “Ekti Khola Janala”.
Tasnia Farin, who was set to star opposite Dev in the Kolkata film "Pratiksha" directed by Abhijit Sen, has withdrawn from the project. Initially scheduled to begin filming in Kolkata and the UK in early November, the film now facing delays led Farin to step back.
As Bangladesh grapples with severe flooding, celebrities have united to support those affected by this disaster. Regions such as Feni, Noakhali, Lakshmipur, Cumilla, Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Rangamati, and Khagrachari are experiencing one of the worst floods in recent history. In response, many in the entertainment industry have taken action.
In early August, it was revealed that Bangladeshi actress Tasnia Farin is set to co-star with Kolkata's megastar Dev. The actress, known for her role in "Ladies and Gentlemen", shared her excitement about this new film project.
As artistes across the nation speak out against ongoing violence and aggression towards the quota reform protesters, actress Tasnia Farin has taken to social media to express regret for her silence. Yesterday, in a heartfelt Facebook post, Farin apologised to protesters for not raising her voice earlier, admitting that fear had kept her quiet.
Vicky Zahed is renowned for creating narratives that explore the complex psychology and darker tendencies of human beings.
The recently released teaser and posters hint at a chilling narrative. One poster features Farin in a nurse's outfit, staring intensely with a stethoscope in hand. Another shows Nadia holding a syringe, her eyes glistening with tears and a smile on her face.
Dhaka's celebrated actress, Tasnia Farin, experienced the thrill of watching a football match from the gallery for the very first time. She attended Copa America 2024 held at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, USA, on Wednesday morning, as per Bangladesh time.
Prominent Bangladeshi actresses Tasnia Farin and Mehazabien Chowdhury posted pictures of themselves attending the Chile vs Argentina match at Copa America 2024.
Yesterday, the OTT platform released the official first look of the Binge original short film “Ekti Khola Janala”.
Being very optimistic about the upcoming drama, the actress stated, "I don't have many dramas this Eid, but this is one of the few I've worked on. The audience will receive a powerful message from the story. The director has illustrated through my character how a girl uncovers the truth instead of choosing the path of despair and suicide."