Teachers hunger strike

Teachers with MPO go for class boycott

Teachers and employees of the MPO-enlisted schools and colleges on hunger strike are going to take any classes today.

MPO-Listed Institutions / Teachers on hunger strike demanding nationalisation

Teachers of MPO-enlisted education institutions yesterday went on an indefinite hunger strike in front of Jatiya Press Club to press home one-point demand for nationalisation of education system.

Madrasa teachers too, reject assurances

Hunger-striking madrasa teachers too have rejected the assuring words of Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, demanding specifics – as the primary school teachers did.

Non-Govt Educational Institutions / More teachers may get MPO

The government is likely to bring more private educational institutions under the Monthly Pay Order scheme. The education ministry has already sent a draft of the revised MPO policy to the finance ministry which is now reviewing it, said sources in the two ministries.

Teachers call off hunger strike on PM's assurance

Six days into their hunger strike demanding MPO facilities, non-MPO teachers called off the progamme yesterday following Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's assurance that the demand would be fulfilled.

14 more fall sick as hunger strike enters day 5

Fourteen more have fallen sick as the hunger strike for enlistment of teachers into Monthly Payment Order enters fifth day, taking the sick tally of the demonstration to 85.

Minister's word just won't do

Teachers who are on a hunger strike unto death rejected the education minister's assurances yesterday, announcing to continue their agitation until they get a specific timeframe for inclusion into the government's Monthly Pay Order (MPO) system.

January 21, 2018
January 21, 2018

Teachers with MPO go for class boycott

Teachers and employees of the MPO-enlisted schools and colleges on hunger strike are going to take any classes today.

January 16, 2018
January 16, 2018

Teachers on hunger strike demanding nationalisation

Teachers of MPO-enlisted education institutions yesterday went on an indefinite hunger strike in front of Jatiya Press Club to press home one-point demand for nationalisation of education system.

January 14, 2018
January 14, 2018

Madrasa teachers too, reject assurances

Hunger-striking madrasa teachers too have rejected the assuring words of Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, demanding specifics – as the primary school teachers did.

January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018

Teachers call off hunger strike on PM's assurance

Six days into their hunger strike demanding MPO facilities, non-MPO teachers called off the progamme yesterday following Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's assurance that the demand would be fulfilled.

January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018

More teachers may get MPO

The government is likely to bring more private educational institutions under the Monthly Pay Order scheme. The education ministry has already sent a draft of the revised MPO policy to the finance ministry which is now reviewing it, said sources in the two ministries.

January 4, 2018
January 4, 2018

14 more fall sick as hunger strike enters day 5

Fourteen more have fallen sick as the hunger strike for enlistment of teachers into Monthly Payment Order enters fifth day, taking the sick tally of the demonstration to 85.

January 3, 2018
January 3, 2018

Minister's word just won't do

Teachers who are on a hunger strike unto death rejected the education minister's assurances yesterday, announcing to continue their agitation until they get a specific timeframe for inclusion into the government's Monthly Pay Order (MPO) system.