
Ansar Al Islam raised Tk 18 lakh through crowdfunding

Ansar Al Islam, a militant group inspired by al-Qaeda, has raised Tk 18 lakh through crowdfunding within a few months.

Al Qaeda urges Muslims to shun World Cup

Al Qaeda's regional branch urged Muslims around the world to shun the soccer World Cup in Qatar, though it stopped short of threatening attacks or promoting violence in connection with the event, according to a statement reported by a monitoring group.

Bangladesh biggest development, trade partner of India: Modi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said Bangladesh is the biggest development and trade partner of India.

Fighting Terror: Precautions in place: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said the intelligence and law enforcement agencies were on alert as attempts were underway to carry out terror attacks in Bangladesh.

Christchurch: Why this is not an isolated terrorist attack

In the aftermath of the deadly attacks in New Zealand that caused global shock, it is important to explore the broader questions about the ideology behind these acts of terrorism.

Fight Against Terror: Hasina, Trudeau for joint action

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau have underscored the need for initiating a global movement to stamp out terrorism.

Trudeau calls Hasina; both urge int’l community to act against terrorism

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau have called upon the global community to act together to stamp out terrorism as they talked over phone this morning.

Putin calls Modi expressing solidarity in fight against terror

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and conveyed solidarity of his country with India in the latter’s fight against terrorism.

Saudi backs India's anti-terror fight

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Indian leader Narendra Modi yesterday vowed to increase pressure on countries that fuel terrorism.

December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015

70,000 Muslim clerics pass ‘fatwa’ against terrorism

Religious leaders emphasize that they don't consider terrorists to be true Muslims.

December 7, 2015
December 7, 2015

4 Syrian soldiers die in ‘US coalition air strike’

An air strike believed to have been carried out by the US-led coalition killed four Syrian military personnel in Deir al Zor province, which is mostly held by Islamic State, a monitoring group says, in what would be the first time coalition warplanes had hit Syrian government forces.

December 7, 2015
December 7, 2015

Obama vows to defeat 'new phase' of terrorist threat

US President Barack Obama lays out the most sweeping defense yet of his strategy to defeat Islamic State, but he offered no US policy shift to confront what he called a "new phase" in the terrorist threat after a mass shooting in California.

December 6, 2015
December 6, 2015

3 ‘JMB’ men on 5-day remand

A Dhaka court places three suspected members of banned militant outfit JMB on a five-day remand in connection with a case filed under the Anti-Terrorism Act. Detectives arrested them in Uttara of Dhaka.

December 5, 2015
December 5, 2015

Malaysia arrests 5 with suspected IS, al-Qaeda links

Malaysia's police claims arrest of five people, including a European employed as a teacher, on suspicion of links with militant groups like the Islamic State and al-Qaeda.

December 3, 2015
December 3, 2015

The Politics of Terrorism

Terrorism is rooted in concrete social and economic conditions - in deprivation, joblessness, discrimination, poverty and social marginality.

December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

Collaterals of Terrorism

The suspicion and hatred that Muslims face today cannot simply be removed by condemnation of the terror acts and dissociation from these acts by calling them un-Islamic.

November 28, 2015
November 28, 2015

Banishing Terrorism from Bangladesh Now and Forever

In a Muslim majority country such as Bangladesh, terrorism can only flourish when sincere Muslims fail to take Islam's message of peace and tolerance to their wider communities.

November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015

In the grip of madness

Bangladesh's experience with ribald extremism and terrorism is more recent and, so far, has been less painful in terms of mass attacks or casualties. But there has been a slow, but steady gnawing at the very soul of this country.

November 24, 2015
November 24, 2015

4 IS suspects indicted

A Dhaka court frames charges against four ‘IS’ suspects for their alleged involvement in a conspiracy to topple the democratic government through subversive activities and establish a Khilafat state.