In a fierce battle amongst studios, Netflix emerged triumphant in acquiring the rights to “The Fifth Wheel”, a forthcoming ensemble comedy show featuring reality TV icon turned actress Kim Kardashian in a leading role. The competitive situation saw the streaming giant clinch the project, which promises to showcase Kardashian as the focal "fifth wheel" character within a female-centric ensemble cast. While specifics about the plot remain shrouded in secrecy, the screenplay comes from the creative minds of Paula Pell and Janine Brito.
In a fierce battle amongst studios, Netflix emerged triumphant in acquiring the rights to “The Fifth Wheel”, a forthcoming ensemble comedy show featuring reality TV icon turned actress Kim Kardashian in a leading role. The competitive situation saw the streaming giant clinch the project, which promises to showcase Kardashian as the focal "fifth wheel" character within a female-centric ensemble cast. While specifics about the plot remain shrouded in secrecy, the screenplay comes from the creative minds of Paula Pell and Janine Brito.