transport system

How will an Intelligent Transport System be implemented?

The Roads and Highways Department is going to establish a dedicated Road Operation Unit (ROU) to manage and monitor the Joydebpur-Rangpur highway efficiently.

5 companies to run city buses

To improve the public transport system in the capital, the Dhaka North City Corporation will facilitate the introduction of 3,000 new

April 17, 2022
April 17, 2022

How will an Intelligent Transport System be implemented?

The Roads and Highways Department is going to establish a dedicated Road Operation Unit (ROU) to manage and monitor the Joydebpur-Rangpur highway efficiently.

January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016

5 companies to run city buses

To improve the public transport system in the capital, the Dhaka North City Corporation will facilitate the introduction of 3,000 new