
Canadian heartthrob Trudeau gets flirty with his boss, the Queen

Young Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received the royal equivalent of a wink from Queen Elizabeth, who has been running the British monarchy for 63 years now.

Canadian election and Trudeau's victory speech

The general election that took place on October 19 ushers in a new era for Canada, as Justin Trudeau, the son a former Prime Minister and Canadian ...

November 29, 2015
November 29, 2015

Canadian heartthrob Trudeau gets flirty with his boss, the Queen

Young Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received the royal equivalent of a wink from Queen Elizabeth, who has been running the British monarchy for 63 years now.

October 23, 2015
October 23, 2015

Canadian election and Trudeau's victory speech

The general election that took place on October 19 ushers in a new era for Canada, as Justin Trudeau, the son a former Prime Minister and Canadian ...