university rover challenge

UIU Mars rover team chasing big dreams at this year’s URC

The team is participating in the 2024 University Rover Challenge (URC) finals with its YGGDRASIL rover.

Mongol-Tori Phoenix: BRAC University’s next-generation Mars rover

Mongol-Tori’s Phoenix, a next-generation Mars rover from BRAC University (BRACU), has secured a spot in the finals of the University Rover Challenge (URC) 2024.

Mongol Barota: MIST’s Mars rover team participating in the University Rover Challenge finals

Mongol Barota Mars Rover Team from MIST heads to finals with PHOENIX 4.0, aiming for victory.

Bangladesh students could make Mars rover

Imagine a rover wandering on the surface of Mars. It should not be too hard. We have plenty of films illustrating what it is like,

May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024

UIU Mars rover team chasing big dreams at this year’s URC

The team is participating in the 2024 University Rover Challenge (URC) finals with its YGGDRASIL rover.

May 6, 2024
May 6, 2024

Mongol-Tori Phoenix: BRAC University’s next-generation Mars rover

Mongol-Tori’s Phoenix, a next-generation Mars rover from BRAC University (BRACU), has secured a spot in the finals of the University Rover Challenge (URC) 2024.

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

Mongol Barota: MIST’s Mars rover team participating in the University Rover Challenge finals

Mongol Barota Mars Rover Team from MIST heads to finals with PHOENIX 4.0, aiming for victory.

April 28, 2016
April 28, 2016

Bangladesh students could make Mars rover

Imagine a rover wandering on the surface of Mars. It should not be too hard. We have plenty of films illustrating what it is like,