Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela Political Crisis / Maduro defies self-named 'president'

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido declares himself interim president, winning the backing of Washington and many Latin American nations and prompting socialist Nicolas Maduro, who has led the oil-rich nation since 2013, to break relations with the United States.

Trump recognises opposition leader as Venezuela's interim president

The Trump administration ratchets up pressure on Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro, announcing US recognition of the country's opposition leader as interim president and signaling potential new sanctions against its vital oil sector.

January 25, 2019
January 25, 2019

Maduro defies self-named 'president'

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido declares himself interim president, winning the backing of Washington and many Latin American nations and prompting socialist Nicolas Maduro, who has led the oil-rich nation since 2013, to break relations with the United States.

January 24, 2019
January 24, 2019

Trump recognises opposition leader as Venezuela's interim president

The Trump administration ratchets up pressure on Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro, announcing US recognition of the country's opposition leader as interim president and signaling potential new sanctions against its vital oil sector.