west rampura

Gas crisis hits city

Tahmina Afaz is a schoolteacher and lives at Ulan in the capital's West Rampura. She doesn't start for work until 7:30am, but since winter began, she has been waking up long before sunrise. "If I get up any later than 5:00am, I cannot finish cooking for my family before I go to work. The gas supply falls after sunrise, so much so that sometimes I cannot even turn the stove on," she says.

January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016

Gas crisis hits city

Tahmina Afaz is a schoolteacher and lives at Ulan in the capital's West Rampura. She doesn't start for work until 7:30am, but since winter began, she has been waking up long before sunrise. "If I get up any later than 5:00am, I cannot finish cooking for my family before I go to work. The gas supply falls after sunrise, so much so that sometimes I cannot even turn the stove on," she says.