workplace culture in Bangladesh

Women’s workplace safety still neglected

Authorities must create an environment where women feel safe, can report abuse

Developing a supportive and inclusive workplace culture in Bangladesh

The ILO has been promoting the position that employment of people with disabilities makes good business sense. People with disabilities tend to increase productivity, boost company morale, reduce absenteeism, improve company image and customer preference, increase job retention rates and improve safety standards amongst other value additions.

December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022

Women’s workplace safety still neglected

Authorities must create an environment where women feel safe, can report abuse

February 20, 2016
February 20, 2016

Developing a supportive and inclusive workplace culture in Bangladesh

The ILO has been promoting the position that employment of people with disabilities makes good business sense. People with disabilities tend to increase productivity, boost company morale, reduce absenteeism, improve company image and customer preference, increase job retention rates and improve safety standards amongst other value additions.

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