workplace tips

Next Step / The art of embracing feedback for self-improvement

In today's fast-paced competitive workplace, a small positive comment like "Good job" from your employer can go a long way. Inversely, a negative comment can leave you feeling deflated - and repeated instances can even lead to burnout and wanting to quit. However, when approached with the right mindset, both types of feedback can significantly contribute to professional development.

Next Step / How to approach the tricky topic of workplace mental health

As an employee, understanding and implementing innovative approaches to mental health can not only enhance your personal well-being but also contribute to a healthier, more productive work environment.

Next Step / Refocusing on work when nothing feels right

Amid an urge to return to normalcy, you wouldn't be shamed for feeling a bit overwhelmed. Unfortunately, whether we feel ready or not, we have to return to work. The bills don't pay themselves, after all.

Next Step / Sustaining energy at work

To avoid fatigue and burnout during a 9 to 5 workday, it's important to be mindful of your work habits. Utilising these techniques can help maintain energy levels, which is crucial for both wellbeing and productivity.

August 20, 2024
August 20, 2024

The art of embracing feedback for self-improvement

In today's fast-paced competitive workplace, a small positive comment like "Good job" from your employer can go a long way. Inversely, a negative comment can leave you feeling deflated - and repeated instances can even lead to burnout and wanting to quit. However, when approached with the right mindset, both types of feedback can significantly contribute to professional development.

August 6, 2024
August 6, 2024

How to approach the tricky topic of workplace mental health

As an employee, understanding and implementing innovative approaches to mental health can not only enhance your personal well-being but also contribute to a healthier, more productive work environment.

July 30, 2024
July 30, 2024

Refocusing on work when nothing feels right

Amid an urge to return to normalcy, you wouldn't be shamed for feeling a bit overwhelmed. Unfortunately, whether we feel ready or not, we have to return to work. The bills don't pay themselves, after all.

July 9, 2024
July 9, 2024

Sustaining energy at work

To avoid fatigue and burnout during a 9 to 5 workday, it's important to be mindful of your work habits. Utilising these techniques can help maintain energy levels, which is crucial for both wellbeing and productivity.

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