shootout with police

Man killed in ‘shootout’ with police

An alleged drug dealer was killed in a “gunfight” with police in Cumilla Sadar South upazila early yesterday.

A little groundwork too much to ask?

Should we take what police say at face value? The answer would hardly be in the affirmative anymore, especially after what has unfolded since Sunday's police briefing on a “shootout” victim they introduced as Sharif.

'Robber' killed in 'gunfight' with police

An alleged robber was killed in a “gunfight” between police and his cohorts in Sarail upazila of Brahmanbaria early yesterday.

One 'crossfire' death, too many questions

He might have had a vital clue to the mystery over secret killings that have been roiling the country for the last couple of years. Fleeing after hacking a Hindu college teacher in Madaripur, he was caught by locals and handed over to police. It was the second time that such an assailant was captured.

June 12, 2019
June 12, 2019

Man killed in ‘shootout’ with police

An alleged drug dealer was killed in a “gunfight” with police in Cumilla Sadar South upazila early yesterday.

June 22, 2016
June 22, 2016

A little groundwork too much to ask?

Should we take what police say at face value? The answer would hardly be in the affirmative anymore, especially after what has unfolded since Sunday's police briefing on a “shootout” victim they introduced as Sharif.

June 22, 2016
June 22, 2016

'Robber' killed in 'gunfight' with police

An alleged robber was killed in a “gunfight” between police and his cohorts in Sarail upazila of Brahmanbaria early yesterday.

June 19, 2016
June 19, 2016

One 'crossfire' death, too many questions

He might have had a vital clue to the mystery over secret killings that have been roiling the country for the last couple of years. Fleeing after hacking a Hindu college teacher in Madaripur, he was caught by locals and handed over to police. It was the second time that such an assailant was captured.

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