ostrich syndrome

Editorial / Budget 2018: Suffering from the Ostrich Syndrome?

Analysis of this year's budget by experts and the media does not give the sense of optimism to ordinary citizens as expressed in the Finance Minister's budget address. This is because it has not addressed some of the major challenges that impede real economic growth and development.

WORLD REFUGEE DAY / Case for overcoming the ostrich syndrome

The final week of May 2016 was a grisly one. More than 700 asylum seekers and migrants died as three boats attempting to carry them to Italy sunk in the Mediterranean, and the death toll for the year crossed 2000.

June 9, 2018
June 9, 2018

Budget 2018: Suffering from the Ostrich Syndrome?

Analysis of this year's budget by experts and the media does not give the sense of optimism to ordinary citizens as expressed in the Finance Minister's budget address. This is because it has not addressed some of the major challenges that impede real economic growth and development.

June 20, 2016
June 20, 2016

Case for overcoming the ostrich syndrome

The final week of May 2016 was a grisly one. More than 700 asylum seekers and migrants died as three boats attempting to carry them to Italy sunk in the Mediterranean, and the death toll for the year crossed 2000.