During the campaign at Dhaka University, Mehazabien actively engaged with students and helped put up posters for the movie. At one point, she accidentally placed a poster over a graffiti mural of Sohagi Jahan Tonu, a Victoria College student and theatre activist who became a rape and murder victim in a 2016 case. The incident was immediately met with backlash from students, who called on Mehazabien to personally remove the poster and apologise for her actions.
The film, set for release next week, depicts Maloti’s fight for survival after losing her husband in a fire and failing to receive any government aid. Based on a true story, "Priyo Maloti" delves into the emotional and social struggles of a woman battling grief, poverty, and the system.
With "Priyo Maloti" set to debut in cinemas soon, the Bangladesh Film Censor Board has granted it a ‘U’ certificate, ensuring it is suitable for all audiences.
During the campaign at Dhaka University, Mehazabien actively engaged with students and helped put up posters for the movie. At one point, she accidentally placed a poster over a graffiti mural of Sohagi Jahan Tonu, a Victoria College student and theatre activist who became a rape and murder victim in a 2016 case. The incident was immediately met with backlash from students, who called on Mehazabien to personally remove the poster and apologise for her actions.
The film, set for release next week, depicts Maloti’s fight for survival after losing her husband in a fire and failing to receive any government aid. Based on a true story, "Priyo Maloti" delves into the emotional and social struggles of a woman battling grief, poverty, and the system.
With "Priyo Maloti" set to debut in cinemas soon, the Bangladesh Film Censor Board has granted it a ‘U’ certificate, ensuring it is suitable for all audiences.