terrorist attack in Nice

Attack on Nice: French PM Valls booed at commemoration

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls is booed as he attends a minute's silence in Nice, where an attacker in a lorry killed 84 people.

Nice attack: Driver 'researched route' earlier in week

The Tunisian man who carried out the lorry attack in the French city of Nice researched his route in the days beforehand, French media reports say.

July 18, 2016
July 18, 2016

Attack on Nice: French PM Valls booed at commemoration

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls is booed as he attends a minute's silence in Nice, where an attacker in a lorry killed 84 people.

July 17, 2016
July 17, 2016

Nice attack: Driver 'researched route' earlier in week

The Tunisian man who carried out the lorry attack in the French city of Nice researched his route in the days beforehand, French media reports say.