US officials

US Officials fear Saudi collapse if new prince fails

The Saudi prince who seems to have won a family power struggle is meeting with US officials this week, reports NBC News.

Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to US officials about Trump

Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm to US government officials about what they say are inflammatory and insulting public statements by Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, according to senior US officials.

Record fines for currency market fix

Five of the world's largest banks are to pay fines totalling $5.7bn (£3.6bn) for manipulating the foreign exchange market, US officials say.

June 18, 2016
June 18, 2016

US Officials fear Saudi collapse if new prince fails

The Saudi prince who seems to have won a family power struggle is meeting with US officials this week, reports NBC News.

March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016

Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to US officials about Trump

Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm to US government officials about what they say are inflammatory and insulting public statements by Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, according to senior US officials.

May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015

Record fines for currency market fix

Five of the world's largest banks are to pay fines totalling $5.7bn (£3.6bn) for manipulating the foreign exchange market, US officials say.