forced sex

India 13-year-old girl 'sold for sex' by parents

Police in the southern Indian state of Kerala have arrested the mother and stepfather of a teenage girl for allegedly forcing her into the sex trade for two years.

Sri Lanka women cricketers 'forced into sexual favours'

Members of Sri Lanka's women's cricket team were forced to perform sexual favours to keep their places in the team, the sports ministry has said.

July 9, 2015
July 9, 2015

India 13-year-old girl 'sold for sex' by parents

Police in the southern Indian state of Kerala have arrested the mother and stepfather of a teenage girl for allegedly forcing her into the sex trade for two years.

May 23, 2015
May 23, 2015

Sri Lanka women cricketers 'forced into sexual favours'

Members of Sri Lanka's women's cricket team were forced to perform sexual favours to keep their places in the team, the sports ministry has said.