International Food Policy Research Institute

Thousands to face forced migration

Up to 200,000 coastal people may be forced to migrate annually to the country's inland areas to find alternative livelihoods due to climate change induced salinity and sea level rises, according to a new study.

Editorial / Benefits from safety net programmes

A two-year joint research carried out by the World Food Programme and the International Food Policy Research Institute has come up with some interesting findings on how to improve the benefits of safety net programmes (SSNPs) being run in the country.

October 24, 2018
October 24, 2018

Thousands to face forced migration

Up to 200,000 coastal people may be forced to migrate annually to the country's inland areas to find alternative livelihoods due to climate change induced salinity and sea level rises, according to a new study.

May 28, 2015
May 28, 2015

Benefits from safety net programmes

A two-year joint research carried out by the World Food Programme and the International Food Policy Research Institute has come up with some interesting findings on how to improve the benefits of safety net programmes (SSNPs) being run in the country.