Teknaf border

Crisis deepens

Amid continued bloodshed in Rakhine State of Myanmar and subsequent influx of Rohingyas towards Bangladesh, Myanmar troops yesterday fired twice at fleeing Rohingyas near the border in Bandarban. The first incident of shooting took place at the no-man's land of the river Naf near Toombro border under Naikhyangchhari upazila around 1:15pm, said Lt Col Manjurul Ahsan Khan, director of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) battalion 34.

August 27, 2017
August 27, 2017

Crisis deepens

Amid continued bloodshed in Rakhine State of Myanmar and subsequent influx of Rohingyas towards Bangladesh, Myanmar troops yesterday fired twice at fleeing Rohingyas near the border in Bandarban. The first incident of shooting took place at the no-man's land of the river Naf near Toombro border under Naikhyangchhari upazila around 1:15pm, said Lt Col Manjurul Ahsan Khan, director of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) battalion 34.