Rakhine state of Myanmar

Case for a UN Interim Administration in Rakhine

The situation has been further aggravated by the fact that host Bangladesh is itself a poor country, with a high population density, and that the country's southeast region is not the most geographically accessible area, with hilly terrains and lack of proper infrastructure.

‘Joint working group by Nov 30 to repatriate Rohingyas’

Bangladesh and Myanmar decide to constitute a joint working group by November 30 to repatriate the Rohingya people, who fled persecution in Rakhine state.

Food security for Rohingyas is beyond blanket assistance

October 16 marks World Food Day, an annual event which this year focuses on food security, conflict, displacement and migration. To date, about a million Rohingyas have fled Rakhine State of Myanmar, over half of them since August 25 this year.

507,000 in 5 weeks: IOM-led group’s estimate on influx

Some 507,000 new arrivals of Myanmar's fleeing Rohingya population are reported as of September 30, including 453,300 new arrivals identified in IOM's Needs and Population Monitoring assessments in four upazilas of Cox's Bazar district, says a new report.

US stops short of rebuking Myanmar

The Trump administration has expressed concern over the unfolding violence in Myanmar's Rakhine state, but stopped short of criticising the country's government or its de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Red Cross fills UN void in Myanmar's violence-torn region

The Red Cross organisations scale up operations in Myanmar's violence-riven northwest, after the United Nations had to suspend activities there following government suggestions that its agency had supported Rohingya insurgents.

Rohingya crisis: Hefajat threatens to besiege Myanmar Embassy in Dhaka

Hefajat-e Islam, a Chittagong-based Islamist group, threatens to besiege Myanmar Embassy in Dhaka on September 19 if the “genocide” of Rohingya people is not stopped by then.

October 25, 2017
October 25, 2017

Case for a UN Interim Administration in Rakhine

The situation has been further aggravated by the fact that host Bangladesh is itself a poor country, with a high population density, and that the country's southeast region is not the most geographically accessible area, with hilly terrains and lack of proper infrastructure.

October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017

‘Joint working group by Nov 30 to repatriate Rohingyas’

Bangladesh and Myanmar decide to constitute a joint working group by November 30 to repatriate the Rohingya people, who fled persecution in Rakhine state.

October 16, 2017
October 16, 2017

Food security for Rohingyas is beyond blanket assistance

October 16 marks World Food Day, an annual event which this year focuses on food security, conflict, displacement and migration. To date, about a million Rohingyas have fled Rakhine State of Myanmar, over half of them since August 25 this year.

October 2, 2017
October 2, 2017

507,000 in 5 weeks: IOM-led group’s estimate on influx

Some 507,000 new arrivals of Myanmar's fleeing Rohingya population are reported as of September 30, including 453,300 new arrivals identified in IOM's Needs and Population Monitoring assessments in four upazilas of Cox's Bazar district, says a new report.

September 10, 2017
September 10, 2017

US stops short of rebuking Myanmar

The Trump administration has expressed concern over the unfolding violence in Myanmar's Rakhine state, but stopped short of criticising the country's government or its de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

September 9, 2017
September 9, 2017

Red Cross fills UN void in Myanmar's violence-torn region

The Red Cross organisations scale up operations in Myanmar's violence-riven northwest, after the United Nations had to suspend activities there following government suggestions that its agency had supported Rohingya insurgents.

September 9, 2017
September 9, 2017

Rohingya crisis: Hefajat threatens to besiege Myanmar Embassy in Dhaka

Hefajat-e Islam, a Chittagong-based Islamist group, threatens to besiege Myanmar Embassy in Dhaka on September 19 if the “genocide” of Rohingya people is not stopped by then.