Terminator Genisys, the fifth instalment in the franchise, takes place in a post Judgement Day 2029, where a group of humans are at war against Skynet, an artificial general intelligence seeking to wipe out the human race.
Earning a combined total of $102.7 million around the world, "Terminator Genisys" topped the list as Rentrack announced Monday the weekend box office estimates.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's declares: "I'm old but I'm not obsolete."
Following an early screening of "Terminator Genisys", franchise creator James Cameron has lent support to the forthcoming science fiction action film in a featurette. He finds it "pretty cool"
Emilia Clarke is known as the 'Dragon Lady' when she goes into her local shop here to buy groceries because of her "Game of Thrones" character.
Terminator Genisys, the fifth instalment in the franchise, takes place in a post Judgement Day 2029, where a group of humans are at war against Skynet, an artificial general intelligence seeking to wipe out the human race.
Earning a combined total of $102.7 million around the world, "Terminator Genisys" topped the list as Rentrack announced Monday the weekend box office estimates.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's declares: "I'm old but I'm not obsolete."
Following an early screening of "Terminator Genisys", franchise creator James Cameron has lent support to the forthcoming science fiction action film in a featurette. He finds it "pretty cool"
Emilia Clarke is known as the 'Dragon Lady' when she goes into her local shop here to buy groceries because of her "Game of Thrones" character.