Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe

Mugabe granted immunity, assured of safety in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s former president Robert Mugabe has been granted immunity from prosecution and assured that his safety would be protected in his home country as part of a deal that led to his resignation, sources close to the negotiations say.

Mugabe faces impeachment after military takeover

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe faces the start of impeachment proceedings that could see him ousted within the week, against the backdrop of a military takeover dubbed "Operation Restore Legacy".

Zimbabwe's Mugabe has drafted resignation letter, CNN says

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has agreed to stand down and his resignation letter has been drafted, CNN says, citing a source familiar with his negotiations with the generals who seized power in Harare.

Zimbabwe's ruling party expels Mugabe

President Robert Mugabe has been dismissed as the leader of Zimababwe's ruling ZANU-PF party in a move to force him to end to his 37 years in power peacefully following a de facto military coup.

Zimbabweans to march as Mugabe's future in the balance

Zimbabwe is set for more political turmoil with protests planned as veterans of the independence war, activists and ruling party leaders called publicly for President Robert Mugabe to be forced from office.

November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017

Mugabe granted immunity, assured of safety in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s former president Robert Mugabe has been granted immunity from prosecution and assured that his safety would be protected in his home country as part of a deal that led to his resignation, sources close to the negotiations say.

November 21, 2017
November 21, 2017

Mugabe faces impeachment after military takeover

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe faces the start of impeachment proceedings that could see him ousted within the week, against the backdrop of a military takeover dubbed "Operation Restore Legacy".

November 20, 2017
November 20, 2017

Zimbabwe's Mugabe has drafted resignation letter, CNN says

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has agreed to stand down and his resignation letter has been drafted, CNN says, citing a source familiar with his negotiations with the generals who seized power in Harare.

November 19, 2017
November 19, 2017

Zimbabwe's ruling party expels Mugabe

President Robert Mugabe has been dismissed as the leader of Zimababwe's ruling ZANU-PF party in a move to force him to end to his 37 years in power peacefully following a de facto military coup.

November 18, 2017
November 18, 2017

Zimbabweans to march as Mugabe's future in the balance

Zimbabwe is set for more political turmoil with protests planned as veterans of the independence war, activists and ruling party leaders called publicly for President Robert Mugabe to be forced from office.