physical activity

Kundalini Rising / Unlocking the secrets to a longer health span

By improving health span, individuals can enjoy an extended period of productivity, independence, and joy.

What it takes to play sports while fasting

Playing any sort of sport while fasting — be it casual or at a professional level — is no easy task.

Step back from your desks and move a little

Analysis of the most recent health and economic data from 194 countries, reported that the global cost of inaction on physical inactivity would reach approximately $47.6 billion per year.

Even low levels of physical activity can reduce cardiovascular risk in seniors

New European research finds that when it comes to exercising in our senior years, something is better than nothing for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

December 22, 2024
December 22, 2024

Unlocking the secrets to a longer health span

By improving health span, individuals can enjoy an extended period of productivity, independence, and joy.

March 14, 2024
March 14, 2024

What it takes to play sports while fasting

Playing any sort of sport while fasting — be it casual or at a professional level — is no easy task.

April 6, 2023
April 6, 2023

Step back from your desks and move a little

Analysis of the most recent health and economic data from 194 countries, reported that the global cost of inaction on physical inactivity would reach approximately $47.6 billion per year.

November 24, 2017
November 24, 2017

Even low levels of physical activity can reduce cardiovascular risk in seniors

New European research finds that when it comes to exercising in our senior years, something is better than nothing for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.