Directed by Tauquir Ahmed, the film Oggatonama (The Unnamed) has won the Best Screenplay Award in the SAARC Film Festival 2017, held in Sri Lanka's Colombo from 21st to 25th November.
Tauquir Ahmed achieved the best screenplay award for the film 'The Unnamed' (Oggatonama) in the SAARC Film Festival 2017, held in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo from 21 to 25 November.
Directed by Tauquir Ahmed, the film Oggatonama (The Unnamed) has won the Best Screenplay Award in the SAARC Film Festival 2017, held in Sri Lanka's Colombo from 21st to 25th November.
Tauquir Ahmed achieved the best screenplay award for the film 'The Unnamed' (Oggatonama) in the SAARC Film Festival 2017, held in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo from 21 to 25 November.