assistant primary teachers hunger strike

No need to put pressure on govt

Pointing to recent movements by various sections of teachers to have their demands realised, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said it would not be possible to get any demand fulfilled by putting pressure on the government.

Nationalisation Demand: Pvt primary teachers on hunger strike for 7 days

The teachers of non-government primary schools continued their “hunger strike” for the seventh consecutive day at Jatiya Press Club in

Non-Govt Educational Institutions / More teachers may get MPO

The government is likely to bring more private educational institutions under the Monthly Pay Order scheme. The education ministry has already sent a draft of the revised MPO policy to the finance ministry which is now reviewing it, said sources in the two ministries.

Assistant pry teachers end hunger strike

The assistant primary teachers, who have been observing an indefinite hunger strike over upgrading their salary scale since Saturday, called off the programme yesterday following assurance of measures to meet their demand.

February 5, 2018
February 5, 2018

No need to put pressure on govt

Pointing to recent movements by various sections of teachers to have their demands realised, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said it would not be possible to get any demand fulfilled by putting pressure on the government.

February 3, 2018
February 3, 2018

Nationalisation Demand: Pvt primary teachers on hunger strike for 7 days

The teachers of non-government primary schools continued their “hunger strike” for the seventh consecutive day at Jatiya Press Club in

January 6, 2018
January 6, 2018

More teachers may get MPO

The government is likely to bring more private educational institutions under the Monthly Pay Order scheme. The education ministry has already sent a draft of the revised MPO policy to the finance ministry which is now reviewing it, said sources in the two ministries.

December 26, 2017
December 26, 2017

Assistant pry teachers end hunger strike

The assistant primary teachers, who have been observing an indefinite hunger strike over upgrading their salary scale since Saturday, called off the programme yesterday following assurance of measures to meet their demand.